A photovoltaic system is able to capture the light energy coming from the Sun and transform it into electricity, capable of powering household appliances and thus lowering the cost of the electricity bill.
The fundamental element of a photovoltaic system is the module. It consists of silicon cells, in which occurs the conversion from solar energy into electrical energy.
The electrical energy is then sent to a device, commonly named inverter, capable of transforming this energy into usable energy for our home appliances.
Furthermore, the energy produced in excess by the modules and not immediately used in our homes, can be transferred to the electricity grid or stored in a battery for use during the night, thus obtaining a further economic gain.
BrioSystems develops personalized turnkey solutions, suitable for any need. Our services include inspection, design, assembly, testing and subsidy requests, as well as procedures with the local power company.
Contact us to receive an offer, free of charge, in order to evaluate the profitability of your new photovoltaic system.