

A hydroelectric power station is an installation in which a flow of water, diverted from a river or stream, is used to set a turbine in motion. This turbine, connected to an electric alternator, produces electricity that can be used to power electrical facilities. It is important to outline that the water composition is not altered through these systems.

The amount of energy produced depends on the gross gradient and the amount of water available. By gross gradient we mean the difference in altitude, expressed in metres, between the input point and the output into the watercourse.

Pelton Turbine installed by BrioSystems

Conceptually, the functioning of a hydroelectric plant is almost equal to that of a wind power plant. The impulse exerted by the watercourse activates a hydraulic turbine whose rotation powers an electric generator, which produces energy. This energy is sent to an inverter which transforms it into energy usable by household appliances.